Fantasy Cliches Redux

Fantasy Clichés Redux is a short list (I may post others) of overused and worn out ideas that, somehow, writers see as elements that should (possibly, must) be included in their stories.

I suspect you've all seen the lists of fantasy clichés that are around the web. Here are a few I wrote down some time ago:

1. Brooding, dark hero with a shady past but a heart of gold (Perhaps Conan?)

2. Medieval kingdom under siege/attack by dark forces that are not explained (Far too many stories have poor justification for the war that is in the story, even if the forces are inherently evil.)

3. Beautiful daughter who has to escape via secret exit aided by loyal retainer (e.g., TheWitcher)

4. All knowing mage? (Lord of the Rings?)

5. Itinerant bard interested in recording all the MC's exploits. Gets into all sorts of trouble and has to be rescued (e.g., The Witcher, again)

6. All evil people wear dark colours? (Any fantasy movie/series)

7. Kind-hearted prostitute (e.g., Rahab)

8. Magic items (There are far too many stories to even consider giving a partial list, lol. This is a staple of fantasy.)

9. Witches all look like witches and behave as such (Granny Weatherax, for one)

10. There are 'magic items' of importance. Why? (Something often used to drive a plot where the MC has to go on a quest to find said object(s).)

11. A curse that is lifted by love. (e.g., Beauty and the Beast)

