Money Money Money

Anything goes when it comes to money, or so the saying tells us. And you know what? That’s true. Money is anything we’re willing to accept in exchange for goods and services. After WW2 in Europe, for a short while, people used cigarettes as money. Or conch shells. Or huge stone wheels. Or cocoa beans. Anything!

What does this suggest for a fantasy story, then?

Well, we tend to write fantasy with not too much concern for how things are paid for. If it was science fiction, we’d all have “credits” that are e-money, or crypto, to use a current term, to pay for things. Not so easy in a fantasy world unless it has some advanced technology. But wait! Why not?

Imagine money being made by magic? It’s not something I’ve heard being used. But think of my opening words. Anything goes. Why not have spells or enchantments as money? Why not indeed. And perhaps conspicious consumption is literally burning money by using up the spells or enchantments.

And think of the possibilities for plot turns and twists when money is simply magic. It moves from a sideshow where the stalwart heroine pays for a night in the inn with coins from her purse to being integral to the plot. A lack of money (spells/enchantments) might literally be a huge obstacle for our gallant heroine winning the day. It might come down to starving in order to have the spells to defeat the dastardly antagonist.

Anything goes…




Random writings (from Society of Fantasy Writers group submission)